Books for Five Year Olds Learning to Read

An image of several books for 6-9 year olds on a yellow and orange background

Image: Alicia Fernandes/Penguin

Leonora Commodities: Hugger-mugger Inventor past Lucy Brandt & Gladys Jose (2022)

Leonora Bolt loves nothing more than spending her days inventing. And she's very skilful at it! She lives on a remote island and one solar day a strange boy washes up on an inflatable lobster. And he comes bearing bad news. Leonora's evil uncle has been stealing her inventions and selling them on the mainland! It's time for Leonora to fight dorsum using her magnificent brainpower.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Big Shot (Book 16) by Jeff Kinney (2021)

Information technology seems that Greg Heffley's sports career is over. After a disastrous competition at school, Greg has decided to hang his trainers up. But ever the optimist, his mum manages to convince Greg to try out for the basketball team. And past some stroke of luck, he makes it onto the team! Greg and his teammates take a rocky outset to the flavour, and it's looking unlikely that they volition win a game. But then again, anything can happen...

The Puffin Keeper by Michael Morpurgo & Benji Davies (2020)

Benjamin Postlewaithe is dedicated to his work as a lighthouse keeper on Puffin Island and has e'er kept to himself. But one stormy night, a ship is driven by angry seas direct into the rocks. In dire demand of help, Benjamin rows back and along bringing all the passengers safely to state. He ends upwards forming a lifelong friendship with the young boy he saves, and many years afterward the pair rescue an injured Puffin. This inspiring and heart-warming tale is a must-read.

Stuff by Maddie Moate & Paul Boston (2021)

Have you always wondered about all the stuff in the world? And where exactly information technology all comes from? In this heed-blowing compendium of facts, CBBC presenter Maddie Moate has sought out the stories backside all the stuff we employ and see on a daily basis and what happens to information technology after nosotros've finished using it. This brilliant book will help teach us all to be more than conscious of what nosotros use and how it tin can take an bear on on the environs.

Matildapast Roald Dahl & Quentin Blake (1988)

Our favourite bookworm is back in this special edition of Roald Dahl's archetype tale. Matilda Wormwood is an exceptionally gifted young girl who, despite learning to read classic books at the age of four, is completely ignored past her own family. She also has a horrible headteacher, Miss Trunchbull to bargain with at school. Simply fortunately for Matilda, all that intellect comes with magical abilities. And she's going to teach the bullies in her life a lesson they'll never forget...

Rowley Jefferson'south Awesome Friendly Riskby Jeff Kinney (2020)

From the GIGANTIC imagination of Rowley Jefferson comes an Crawly Friendly Adventure! On a quest to battle an evil warlock, Roland and his best friend Garg The Barbarian (whatsoever resemblance to any Wimpy Child characters is purely coincidental...) fight evil and piece of work to rescue Roland'southward mum from a terrible fate. Will our heroes survive?

The Worries: Sohal Finds a Friend by Jion Sheibani (2021)

Sohal is a natural-built-in worrier. He simply tin't help it. Most things brand him worry: at that place's the dark, his lack of friends, mutant alien sheep! His parents effort to help but it but gets all likewise much sometimes. So, one night, Sohal decides to depict his worries to make himself experience a scrap calmer. But when he makes up the next day, his worries at sitting at the stop of his bed as five hirsuite creatures! In a earth where in that location is a lot of uncertainty at the moment, this is a fun tale about not letting your worries get the meliorate of you lot.

Kiki's Delivery Service past Eiko Kadono & Joe Todd-Stanton (1985)

At age 13, witch-in-training Kiki is determined her magical powers will bring happiness to the seaside hamlet of Koriko. But she before long learns it's much harder than she expected... and perchance people with powers aren't the just ones with magic! This archetype tale from Eiko Kadono is perfect for fans of Studio Ghibli and anime.

Charlie Morphs into a Mammoth by Sam Copeland & Sarah Horne (2020)

They say not to approximate a book past its cover, simply scrap that for this book, because everything inside is just near as hilarious and brilliantly bonkers every bit the cover suggests. Not only tin can Charlie plow into a mammoth, but he can plough into Whatsoever kind of animal: a flea, a dove, a rhino – you proper noun information technology! Charlie seems to take finally mastered his strange power. However, his parents keep arguing (which makes him worry) and in that location have been a string of mysterious animate being disappearances throughout his hometown. Can Charlie, with the help of his all-time friends, unravel this mystery and keep his power a underground?

Development Colouring and Action Book past Sabina Radeva (2020)

Following on from Sabina Radeva's adaptation On the Origin of Species, this fun activity and colouring book volition let budding scientists put their newfound noesis into do. Filled with Radeva's beautiful illustrations, there are detailed pages to color, scientific questions to answer on the theory of development also as a ton of facts about variation, competition and how animals have evolved to where they are today.

Lizzie and Lucky: The Mystery of the Missing Puppies by Megan Rix (2021)

Lizzie really, actually wants a dog. She's making a list of 101 reasons why she needs one so she tin can convince her parents. Dogs are smart; they brand you lot happy; they're cuddly; they can exist trained to be hearing dogs (which would be peculiarly useful for Lizzie as she'southward deaf) – but she's still got a long way to go earlier she reaches 101 reasons. In the meantime, Lizzie also has to track down a mysterious-looking man she saw making off with a dalmatian puppy. Will Lizzie be able to solve the instance, finish her list and potentially find herself a puppy friend?

The Racehorse Who Learned to Dance by Clare Balding (2019)

If y'all've been following Noble Warrior'south journey upwardly until this point, you won't need united states of america to tell you that Charlie's racehorse is certainly well-deserving of his name after winning the Derby confronting all odds and besting a bunch of nasty kidnappers. But volition his valiant reputation assist him – and Charlie – accept on this latest hurdle? Charlie's best friend Polly is recovering from a serious blow that left her almost paralysed. But Polly has a wonderful talent with horses and Charlie is adamant to help her bestie live out her equestrian dream. But this dream isn't going to come true overnight; information technology'south going to take some thinking, creativity and stepping – or possibly dancing – outside of the box.

A picture of a selection of Puffin books on a pink background with clouds surrounding white '2022' lettering

The Creakers past Tom Fletcher & Shane Devries (2017)

In this novel from writer extraordinaire Tom Fletcher, readers meet Lucy. Lucy'south always wondered about the foreign creaking noises that nosotros all hear at dark when we're trying to doze off, or at least she did until all of the adults in boondocks mysteriously disappeared – leaving the kids in charge! Lucy's determined to get to the bottom of the disappearance and nothing is going to stop her… except for perchance a few Creakers. Fans of The Christmasaurus will love this darkly magical adventure story.

The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy (1974)

Popular with trainee witches and wizards all over the globe, hold on to your broomsticks considering this magical book is bound to bandage a spell over yous. Mildred Hubble, she's the worst witch in question; she's a trainee at Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches and she'due south, well… the worst. She gets spells wrong and she'due south constantly crashing broomsticks. Only things go from bad to WORSE when Mildred turns Ethel – the instructor's pet – into her worst enemy.

The Sheep-Pig by Dick King-Smith (1983)

The Sheep-Pig tells the tale of immature piglet Baby, who is won by a farmer at a fair and adopted past his sheepdog, Fly. Babe wants to learn everything he can from Fly and although he understands he can never be a sheepdog, he asks himself: "Why can't I learn to be a Sheep-pig?". This classic by Dick King-Smith went on to inspire the timeless family film Babe, it'southward a heart-warming brute take chances with a truly timeless message.

The Extraordinary Life of Amelia Earhart (2020)

Become to know some of the globe'south most influential heroes like never before through a groovy combination of biography and storytelling-way, facts and timelines – throw in a nuance of eye-popping illustrations and yous've got something nothing short of boggling! Amelia Earhart (who bankrupt flying records and fought for the rights of female pilots), Alan Turing (a mathematician and scientist who decoded underground letters sent by the Nazis during the 2nd Earth War) and Katherine Johnson (one of the near influential people in the history of infinite travel) are simply three of the extraordinary people throughout history that you'll go to know in this series.

Wild Cities by Ben Lerwill & Harriet Hobday (2020)

When we recall of cities, nosotros remember of traffic, towering skyscrapers and lots of people. Only humans are not the only ones who brand urban areas their homes. Every bit cities grow larger, so do their number of beast residents. This gorgeous moving picture volume explores the wildest metropolises on our planet and reveals their animal urban center dwellers. From the harbour seals of London to the flying foxes of Sydney, next time you lot find yourself in an cobblestone jungle, watch out for the wildlife.

Comet in Moominland by Tove Jansson (1946)

If you haven't already met legendary Finnish author Tove Jansson's Moomins, allow us to introduce you. There'south Moomintroll, Moominpappa, Moominmamma, Snufkin, Sniff, Snork Maiden, the Muskrat, as well as a bang-up many other weird and wonderful characters. In this story, in that location are rumours that a comet is on a collision class with Earth. Moomintroll and Sniff head towards the observatory on the Solitary Mountains to confirm whether this is true and on their journey, they meet many interesting people and creatures, and accept some narrow escapes!

Daisy and the Trouble with Coconuts by Kes Grey (2020)

Uh oh! Hither comes problem. Daisy cannot wait to get to the funfair! But the problem with funfairs is all of the coconuts - which Daisy firmly believes are the WORST TYPE OF Basics. They're too big and as well hairy, and if you win one they just go yous in problem. Which DEFINITELY isn't Daisy's fault!

The Bear in the Stars by Alexis Snell (2020)

A not bad white bear, known as the Queen of Beasts, rules over an icy kingdom. It'due south cold but breathtakingly cute. Gradually, the ice begins to melt and the kingdom'south inhabitants leave for new homes. It'southward soon time for the Queen of Beasts to exit her snowy realm simply on her journey, she finds that despite the growing temperatures, others' hearts are growing colder. Created with lino-printed artwork, The Bear in the Stars is a striking modern fable that addresses the issue of climate change.

Best Friends by Jacqueline Wilson & Nick Sharratt (2004)

Gemma is a larger-than-life tomboy whereas Alice is serenity, at-home and loves the colour pink. Despite their differences, Gemma and Alice are the all-time of friends. They accept the same birthday and see each other practically every day. Simply then Alice and her parents move to Scotland – the other finish of the state! Both girls are devastated, and Gemma is terrified Alice will discover a new best friend. Can their friendship survive the distance?

Stig of the Dump by Clive King & Edward Ardizzone (1963)

Barney is staying with his grandparents when he falls over the edge of an old chalk pit and finds himself in a cave. Extraordinary as this is, what's even more extraordinary is that a caveman (who Barney calls Stig) lives there. Although Stig can't speak English language, the pair learn to communicate in other means and become corking friends. This iconic story about an unlikely friendship will delight every young reader.

Stuart Niggling by Eastward. B. White (1945)

Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Unlike other mice, Stuart was born to a family of humans and despite his parents being concerned over how Stuart would survive in a human-sized world, he'south adapted perfectly. It's but the family cat Snowbell he has to sentinel out for! One winter's mean solar day, Stuart and his family observe a half-frozen songbird chosen Margalo on their doorstep. They nurse her back to health and she and Stuart become house friends. Merely a plot by Snowbell and another cat to eat Margalo results in the songbird fleeing in the middle of the dark. Stuart is heartbroken so he ventures out into the big wide world to find her.

Tales of Amazing Fauna Heroes past Mike Unwin (2019)

We all love fictional stories about remarkable animals. Just there are plenty of real-life tales almost animals that are even more remarkable! There'south Tirpitz the pig who survived the sinking of the SMS Dresden in Globe War i. GI Joe, the homing dove who flew a very important bulletin that prevented innocent villagers in Italy from existence bombed by the U.s. Airforce. And Roselle the guide dog who led her owner and 30 other people safely out of the North Belfry of the World Trade Centre on 11 September 2001. Mike Unwin's album features 34 amazing stories that volition inspire any reader.

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Books for Five Year Olds Learning to Read


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