How Early Can I Find Out the Gender of My Baby

Boy or girl? Advances in prenatal testing hateful that parents-to-exist can find out their babe'southward sex earlier in pregnancy, though some still choose to exist surprised afterward delivery.

"Am I having a boy or a girl?" Information technology's 1 of the nigh common questions from parents-to-be. These days, you can larn your baby's sexual activity at several stages throughout the pregnancy, ranging from the commencement trimester to commitment day. Here's what expectant parents need to know.

An epitome of a woman and her doctor.

Finding Out the Baby's Sex at Birth

This might exist the oldest of old-school methods: If you await long enough, you'll discover the sex of your baby at birth. Prospective parents who conceive through sexual intercourse can avoid learning the sexual practice of their child during routine prenatal medical interventions.

Merely while some parents-to-be prefer the surprise of waiting until delivery, many others would like to know their infant'southward sex earlier. They have several different options, outlined below.

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Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)

Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) screens for genetic or chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, such every bit Down syndrome. It normally happens after x weeks of pregnancy. The American Higher of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) now recommends NIPT for all pregnancies, regardless of risk or age.

NIPT analyzes claret drawn from the pregnant person, and it doesn't pose any risk to the fetus. The blood sample is analyzed for fragments of fetal DNA, called cell-free Deoxyribonucleic acid (cfDNA) since information technology's exterior of fetal cells. Past analyzing the cfDNA, the NIPT screens for some chromosomal disorders, and it can encounter how many copies of the X and Y chromosome the fetus has, thus establishing the sex of the baby.

  • RELATED: NIPT: A Crash Form in Not-Invasive Prenatal Testing

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) or Amniocentesis

Recommended for some significant people, amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) screen for genetic abnormalities in a pregnancy, co-ordinate to the Centers for Disease Command and Prevention (CDC). Every bit a byproduct of performing the tests, parents-to-exist can learn the sexual practice of their baby in a more reliable style.

With amniocentesis, a needle is inserted through the abdomen into the uterus to sample amniotic fluid. It carries a minor risk of miscarriage, but it'southward generally very safe. The procedure is unremarkably washed between 15 and 20 weeks' gestation.

On the other mitt, CVS involves taking a sample of tissue from the placenta for screening, and it also looks at fetal chromosomes. CVS is usually done between 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy, the CDC says.

Baby Ultrasound

Parents-to-be can acquire their baby's sex during routine ultrasounds—merely keep in listen that it's not the primary medical value of these tests. For instance, the beefcake browse, which usually takes place between 18 and 22 weeks, confirms the proper growth of the fetus. The technician takes a variety of measurements (including crown-to-rump length), estimates fetal weight, examines the placenta, and checks internal organs and sexual activity organs, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Pregnant people can learn the sexual activity of the baby as part of the anatomy browse, if they wish. Oft an ultrasound technician or doctor will ask if the patient would like to learn the sex of the infant, and they may turn down if they prefer to exist surprised.

  • RELATED: Pregnancy Ultrasounds Week by Week

Note that it might be difficult to determine your baby'southward sexual practice during their anatomy scan, particularly if they're in a position that hides their genitalia. In this case, a 2d ultrasound might be scheduled for the sex reveal.

Finding Out the Baby'southward Sex with IVF

If a couple conceives with in vitro fertilization (IVF)—a fertility treatment that involves combining the egg and sperm in a petri dish, then inserting the resulting embryo directly into the female parent's uterus—the baby's sexual practice might exist known from the kickoff. You tin can thank preimplantation genetic diagnosis, in which the total chromosomes of an embryo are evaluated, unremarkably to cull the healthiest embryo for the IVF procedure. At that betoken, prospective parents tin sometimes cull the sex of the embryo they want to implant. This is called "gender selection," and not every dispensary will offer it.  As well go on in heed that at that place won't ever exist viable embryos of both sexes to cull from.

  • RELATED: Gender Selection and IVF: What Yous Need to Know

Recollect That Sex Isn't Gender

While parents-to-be take several opportunities to larn their baby'southward sex, it's worth remembering the limits of this information. Babies abound up to be kids who can tell their parents about themselves, and the characterization they're assigned at nascency isn't e'er right.

Gender identity, according to the Human Rights Campaign, refers to a person'south internal sense of identity, which is distinct from anatomy. Some kids are non-binary and others are transgender, pregnant their gender identity doesn't lucifer the sexual practice they were assigned at birth. Some states and locations now allow parents to change the gender on their child's birth document to "X," which allows the kid to merits a gender identity when they're ready.

  • RELATED: 8 Alternatives to Gender Reveal Parties

And fifty-fifty if the infant is cis-gender (meaning their assigned sex and gender identity are the same), this tin't tell yous anything about their personality, hopes, or talents. These characteristics will have to be learned the hard way: over fourth dimension, with love and care.

How Early Can I Find Out the Gender of My Baby


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