You Should Know That You Dont Know What You Want I Dont Think So

Americans own a lot of stuff.  We buy things nosotros don't need and then mutter nigh the debt.

Co-ordinate to, the average American business firm size has more than doubled since the 1950s and it continues to grow.

Why might yous ask? It probably has to do with all the stuff we're accumulating in this state. Seriously, exercise we need information technology all? This is such an issue dear to my center because my natural tendency is to purchase stuff without whatever regard for the financial consequences. I've spent A LOT of money on junk in my twenty-four hours which I talk all almost in my book The Recovering Spender.

buy things we don't need

And so how does i stop ownership more junk? How does i go about actually doing this?

To avoid buying things we don't need, you've got to dig deeper. You lot've got to sympathise the root of it – considering it'south all emotional and psychological!

Hither are some 10 reasons why yous buy things you lot don't need:

1. You want to impress people.

If you drive an crumbling vehicle, practice you think anyone is going to care? And even if they did care, why exercise you care what they think?  Instead of learning how to save money on auto repair, you lot but go out and purchase a new auto.

Our need to impress others comes downwards to our sense of pride. This isn't the good kind of pride, either.

Not simply that, only being prideful can encourage you to live up to a certain standard that volition eat away at your savings account.

2. You're in the habit.

Some people store because they like to look effectually. If you lot're i of those, realize that you lot probably have a shopping habit you need to break.

Think almost it. If y'all can't remember of anything you need right now, why put a whole agglomeration of stuff in front of your eyes that you'll desire to buy?

Break the just-for-fun shopping habit by making a list of things you demand as you think of them during your solar day and merely purchasing what's on the listing.

iii. You don't recall through what y'all already take before you purchase.

Thinking nearly what you already take and finding contentment in those things can help you curb unnecessary purchases.

What are you thankful for? What do you have that already gets the task done?

When yous call up along these lines, y'all'll finish focusing on what you do have instead of what y'all don't have – which leads to a great deal of delectation and joy.

4. You're depressed and you get a high from purchasing stuff.

One of the worst times to become shopping is when yous're depressed.  There is such a thing every bit financially driven low.

Practice you buy food you really don't need? How virtually clothing? These are merely a few of the purchases I've seen depressed people make when they really didn't need anything more than than what they already had.

5. You're a tidbit selfish.

Let'due south admit it. Our natural state equally human beings is to be selfish. Our culture teaches us to meliorate our lives. Why? Because that message sells.

This is NOT an piece of cake affair to admit. For years I was spending money and getting u.s.a. farther and farther into debt – WHY?  Because I wanted what I wanted…

6. You are exposed to too much advertizement.

The furnishings of advertisement are powerful. Imagine the piles and piles of money spent on ad every twelvemonth. Information technology'south astronomical.

Why do companies spend so much coin on advertising? They would only exercise so if information technology worked.

Think nigh this. Do you lot call up a time when yous looked up a funny commercial online because it was just so hilarious? When yous commencement wanting to watch advertisements, companies have done their chore.

Skip the commercials if you tin can. Pay a trivial extra to listen to net radio without the ads. Purchase and download episodes of your favorite TV shows instead of subscribing to cable. You get the idea.

seven. You feel that more stuff volition requite you lot a greater degree of security.

For some reason, many people equate more stuff with more than security. But just because you have more stuff doesn't necessarily mean you tin't lose it to a burn or a freak blow.

Why does more stuff, to a higher place what we demand, give usa a greater sense of security? I'k not sure. Can you retrieve of one logical reason?

8. Y'all want to continue up with your friends and family.

Don't endeavor to go on up with the Jones. Think: What your friends and family needs isn't necessarily what you need.

Anybody is different and therefore has different needs. What are some basic needs? They would exist the most price-effective versions of these items:

  • Shelter
  • Clothing
  • Transportation
  • Nutrient
  • Utilities

Everything else is discretionary. Start a budget and clearly ascertain what's necessary and what's discretionary.

nine. You neglect creative solutions to your problems.

Instead of buying a new appliance, why not come across if you can fix it up for less? Instead of buying a new squeegee, why non use an onetime rag? Instead of going out to eat, why non employ upwardly some of those leftovers in the refrigerator?

You become the idea. Find creative solutions to your problems and you're sure to save a parcel of cash.

10. Y'all think more stuff is an investment in your hereafter.

One of the best sales tactics of all time is to pitch a product or service as an "investment."

For instance, a motorcar salesperson might try to encourage you to make an "investment" in "reliable" transportation when your used car is working just fine.

Brand sure to be careful when you hear a salesperson use the give-and-take "investment" when describing their product or service. Don't buy unless the purchase makes sense for your needs!

The cease issue in buying things that we don't demand it that we spend all day decluttering and organizing these items, when instead we could be doing things similar hanging out with our kids or doing something nosotros love.

What are some things yous buy that you don't really need? Leave a comment!

You Should Know That You Dont Know What You Want I Dont Think So


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