Does Uploading Use More Data Than Downloading

  1. I was arguing with a friend most this. I am able to download using at 600kb/due south 80% of the time with NO uploading. During my downloads, I can play games and surf the net or whatever I desire to do with NO LAG problems.

    If I were to utilise fleck torrents for my downloads where I had to upload at the same fourth dimension, I would experience lag in my games if I had ii or 3 going..

    Is it because of the uploading on the chip torrents that causes the lag or what?
    Does uploading employ more bandwidth than downloading?

  2. Well bittorrent works different than normal download because you are not downloading only from only place (server for example).

    Here is more info on information technology.

    What is Bittorrent???

  3. i know i become download speeds of up to 5Mbps and upload speeds of up to 512 kbps

    it most likely affects you in games considering if your playing online yous are trying to send out what you lot are doing to the server, which for games similar wow or cs tin exist quite a bit of data, while uploading other information via bit torrent and equally you tin see the huge divergence in my upload speeds compared to my download. With such a limit in my upload speeds i can simply play a game or employ bit torrent not both. You might endeavour going to T1 which i believe is ane.5mbps both ways so you wouldnt lag in game while using bit torrent

  4. 1. No uploading practice not use more bandwidth and so downloading.

    Bandwidth is merely the amount of data that can travel.

    2. Even so uploading and downloading at the same time is not the same as just downloading, information technology'due south twice the piece of work.

    How uploading affects your download depends on the connection.

    Depending on connectedness the upload tin either only steal "half" the bandwidth. Or if your running asynchronous connections similar an ADSL connection or half duplex it can severely limmit your download speed equally the upload and download are not synchronous. If running half duplex i believe this means that you can just transmit and receive not both at ones. Im not certain if all ADSL are just half duplex or what.

    3. More work for the hard disk drive and cache/RAM.

    When downloading your but writing to the Hard disk, when uploading and downloading your both reading and writing. I would guess that P2P programs practice non constantly read and write but have some cache method to handle this, which should mean it would employ more than memory the more uploading and downloading you have going.

    4. Many more connections.

    Connections consumes resources, if you take to many information technology will affect the system (that's partly what a DoS will do to a system).

    5. From your ISP'south point of view there is a large deviation, which is why yous take so many asynchronous solutions. And why some Internet access provider don't desire their clients to run servers.

    When you download, it's just when you decide to download something that it happens (duh). Nonetheless if you let anyone connect to you, i.eastward. your upload on P2P, chances are y'all will consume a lot more bandwidth as your at present hosting a service that people will constantly connect to.

  5. John

    John Ancient Guru

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    2) ADSL, and other xDSL and cable services are in fact full duplex, AFAIK.

    5) While the Internet access provider'southward of grade save coin on having lower upload rates, the nearly common reason is that xDSL and cable solutions simply don't offer very skilful upload rates. This is due to the frequency range given to each direction and technology limitations. Here's an overview of ADSL frequency ranges equally an example:

    There'south a reason fibre optical internet providers in virtually cases deliver synchronous connexion speeds.

  6. Unproblematic really, y'all're on ADSL, Asynchronous.

    Virtually, if you push your uploads speeds high plenty, you'll get lag considering it's using nearly of your bandwidth. And if yous are uploading at full speed, your net connection will nearly terminate working all together.

    Bittorrents don't help either with the corporeality of connections it uses, although it's been express by XPSP2 to 10 connections per second. You can unlock that though.

    If you are on SHDSL though, Synchronous, y'all tin upload at full speeds, and download a full speeds. Which is why yous pay more for $$$.

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